101 Tips and Tricks of Successful Songwriting

Win a Copy of "101 Tips and Tricks of Successful Songwriting" Book

Music Connection is giving away three copies of the book, 101 Tips and Tricks of Successful Songwriting ($20.29 retail value), along with some Christmas candy!

101 Tips and Tricks of Successful Songwriting book101 Tips and Tricks of Successful Songwriting goes behind the scenes and shows you how successful songwriters craft and market their hits. Through a series of famous examples, insider secrets and amusing anecdotes, you will learn how to apply these winning strategies yourself. Broken down into bite-size morsels of "one tip per page," you can read this on the run or nestled in your easy chair. For songwriters of all levels and people curious about the world of songwriting in general, there is something for everyone. See why Alan Roy Scott (writer for Celine Dion, Gloria Estefan, Luther Vandross) says, "If you read one songwriting book this year, this is the one!"

Read more: Music Industry Tips: Writing Songs to Pitch

Three winners will be randomly selected on Wednesday, Nov. 30. To put yourself in the running to win a copy, send your name, email and mailing address to intern@musicconnection.com with the subject line: “101 SONGWRITING.” Each prize package includes two journals, a pen and chocolates. *Entrants who submit more than once will automatically disqualified.

For more information, visit 101tipsandtricksofsuccessfulsongwriting.com.