Willie "Popsy" Dixon, drummer and vocalist of the soul/blues band the Holmes Brothers, has been diagnosed with stage four bladder cancer. He is celebrated for his soaring, soulful multi-octave vocals and his driving, in-the-pocket drumming. Shortly after performing with the band on Dec. 6, Dixon was hospitalized with pneumonia. Doctors then discovered the cancer. He is currently in hospice care in Virginia.
Fans can leave messages for Dixon at The Holmes Brothers Facebook page.
Dixon, born in Virginia Beach, VA on July 26, 1942, met brothers Sherman and Wendell Holmes at a New York gig in 1967. They played in a variety of Top 40 bar bands until 1979, when the three officially joined forces and formed the Holmes Brothers band. The band has toured the world, releasing 12 albums starting with 1990's In The Spirit on Rounder.
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