Wendy Wang took the Whisky A-Go Go stage Sunday night armed with a guitar and her band. Wendy began her set with an acoustic ballad filled with nostalgia and sung by her soothing voice. As her set continues she integrates ethereal love songs about her pets. "The pluto song" is a dreamy reminiscing about her love for her pet gecko that has since passed on. "Sunlight" is about a long-distance relationship, as the Sun rises and sets, Wendy knows they're one day closer to being together.
Wendy and her band transformed the hardened rock venue to a light sunny day filled with nostalgia of early 2000's pop. Similar to the vocal styling of SZA or Bôa's Jasmine Rodgers, Wendy Wang blends dreamy vocals with passionate love letters to create the perfect wistful song. Wendy is a fresh voice and powerful songwriter, who has the potential to be the new sound of this generation of music.