To mark the inauguration of their Quarter-Tone Disklavier, UTEMS announces a call for mechanical and microtonal works.

This is not a competition, but rather an invitation to experiment for enthusiasts of microtonal music, from seasoned veterans to beginners. The call is open to all composers, regardless of age, nationality, gender, or experience. The only requirement is a work for MIDI-driven pianos in quarter-tone tuning. Works with a prior performance history are eligible.

All submissions that conform to MIDI guidelines and arrive in playable condition will be recorded, and these recordings will be provided to the composers.

More information about the Disklavier and MIDI guidelines can be found on the UTEMS website.

Selected works will be featured on an upcoming EARS (Electro-Acoustic Recital Series) concert on Dec. 5, at the University of Texas at Austin campus.

Pieces of any length will be accepted. Shorter submissions or sketches are fine; these could potentially serve as the starting point for further work after the December concert.

Submissions should be in the form of a MIDI file with an accompanying score (engraved using notation software, or handwritten), a patch (in Open Music, or using the bach library in Max), or a piano roll file within a DAW. These accompanying files will be used primarily to ensure that the disklaviers are correctly interpreting the composer’s intentions; they need not be extensively edited, and will not figure in the evaluation of the submitted works.

Submission deadline: Nov. 29 at high noon (12pm CST).

Send all submissions to

For any questions, please contact UTEMS Interim Director Christopher Trapani,