Muzicard Close Up

Up Close: Muzicard

A Credit Card-Style USB Flash Drive: Launched earlier this year by veteran Nashville-based producer, engineer and studio owner Mike Farona, Muzicard is a credit card shaped USB flash drive product that functions like a CD and allows artists to get their music and EPK’s to fans. Muzicards include a custom programmed album widget that can offer a full album, live cuts, rare tracks, best-of or whatever the artist wishes to share. The interface also includes tabs to activate a video player, unlimited album art images (via a slider function), artist info, fan signup, links to social media, a sponsorship section—in essence mirroring all the capabilities and content of an artist’s website. The card, which comes with custom printing on the front and back (that can include artist photos, logos and any corporate sponsorship logo), acts as its own music player. Drive sizes are available between 1 and 128 GB.

Related: Muzicard Proposes Solution for Artists to Share Content

Multi-platform Functionality: The album widget works with PC, Mac, smart phones and tablets (via cloud and QR code downloads), smart TV’s and vehicles that support USB media. The main functions of the widget (Audio, Video, Album Art, Shout Out) operate completely within the card itself without an internet connection. Users are able to open the widget and press play on computers, and in vehicles, fans can plug in and enjoy autoplay. In addition to having the capacity to fit an artist’s product (i.e. 20 songs and 20 videos) and hi-res audio and HD video, the card’s “dynamic data” feature allows artists to update content on an ongoing basis. The card will soon offer a tracking feature so artists can keep tabs on when and where their cards are plugged in.

Founder’s Mission Statement: Muzicard founder and principal Farona, owner of Middle C Music in Nashville, says, “With CDs quickly becoming obsolete, Muzicard offers an opportunity to provide fans with the next generation of music merchandise that merges the physical with the digital world of music. Muzicard offers a consumer-friendly plug-and-play music device that’s not only elegant and simple to use, but easy for artists to create and update.”

For more information, visit muzicard.com.