Unsigned Artist: Sonny Hunter


It doesn’t take long to realize that Hunter and his band are crisp, bold, spot-on players who can turn on a dime when necessary—and these songs give them plenty to do. Above all, Hunter’s flamboyant tenor makes the biggest impression, as on “Anxious” wherein he emits lots of classic-rock spirit with a theatrical flair. The upbeat, breezy “You Want Attention” recalls the vocal blends and electric piano of Steely Dan in a song about a pesky drama queen. Perhaps our favorite pick is “Time in Life,” which deploys an array of rock riffs (Kinks!) and tones—and excellent finesse-filled drumming. Ultimately, the caliber of musicianship on display in these tracks outshines the songs, which stand as sturdy platforms for confident virtuosity.

Contact: sonnyhntr@gmail.com
Web: sonnyhunter.net
Seeking: Sync Deals, Publicity, Film/TV, Radio
Style: Classic Rock, Rock Funk, Pop Jazz