Unsigned Artist: Robby Johnson


We’re impressed by the appealing voice of this country singer and his all-pro backup team that includes top-notch songwriters, 
all of it mounted with expert production and arrangement. “Hate Me Tonight” (so you’ll love me in the morning) dispenses wisdom about how to handle a rocky relationship. The infectious “1234” is a thoroughly upbeat ditty (with a great chorus shout-out and searing guitar solo) that’s custom-made to get a crowd off its butt and on its feet. A sincere song directed at the ladies, “False Alarm” gets right to the chorus quickly and is another example of how well this singer’s voice has been recorded and mixed for maximum impact. Rugged good looks, appealing tenor and top-notch material.

Contact: rick@contrastmusicrecords.com
Web: robby-johnson.com
Seeking: Booking
Style: Country

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