Call her a modern-day hippie chick, Gonzales is unusual by today’s standards, with material that is infused with plenty of organic, hi-touch instrumentation (electric 12-string, mandolin, B3 organ and more) and classic ‘60s folk-blues-rock seasonings. Supported by an excellent band (including Chris Stills) and captured with pristine production that keeps her presence dominant, the Colorado-based singer is alternately sensual, soulful and ballsy. We’re split on which song we like best, “Magic Tree” with its take-your-shoes-off-and-trip-out vibe or “The First Time” due to its catchy refrain and bird-like vocal trills. We get the sense that Gonzales is a unique performer who’d be a good fit on the winery circuit.
Seeking: Label, Booking, Film/TV
Style: Psychedlic Folk-Rock