It’s intriguing how this artist infuses her moody, electronic material with cool distortion effects, making music with seemingly non-musical sounds. Call it “cyber-pop”? Ultimately, though, the constant abrasive interjections step all over her lead vocals. We suggest alternating the effects with her leads; keep them separate. “Demetrius” is more of the same, though the song has a light, more benign glow overall. In fact, this hooky song seems like it would be better without all the sonic distractions. While we’re impressed by this artist’s diligence and her daring decision to avoid retreading the formulae of others, her current product is far too dense and unwieldy to keep us compelled for long. We advise her to hone her tracks, find the right balance.
Seeking: Film/TV, Booking, Mgmt.
Style: Indie/Electronic