Top 25 New Music Critiques of 2020

One of Music Connection’s best-known specialties is reviewing the work of unsigned recording artists. Over the past year, our listening crew heard some stellar talents and it’s now time to present the cream of the whole crop. Below are the highest scoring artists and bands––as well as an additional page of Top Prospects who are just too talented to overlook. MC invites all unsigned recording artists to sign up for a free review at musicconnection.com/reviews/new-music-critiques.

Cody Newman - 9.0

Contact: jgulko@thegulkogroup.com
Web: codynewmanmusic.com

Jennifair - 9.0

Contact: jennifair2010@gmail.com
Web: jennifairinternational.com

Katya Richardson - 9.0

Contact: katyarichardsonmusic@gmail.com
Web: katyarichardson.com

The 5:55 - 9.0

Contact: booking@thefive55.com
Web: thefive55.com

Lecu - 9.0

Contact: lecumusic@gmail.com
Web: lecumusic.co.uk

Wendy Moten - 8.6

Contact: radioeye@aol.com
Web: wendymoten.com

Cub Sport - 8.6

Contact: jpage@shorefire.com
Web: cubsport.com

The Danberrys - 8.6

Contact: beatrice@empktpr.com
Web: thedanberrys.com

Serena Wiley - 8.6

Contact: serenawiley5@gmail.com
Web: serenawiley.com

Anthony Lazaro - 8.4

Contact: Amanda@TrendPR.com
Web: anthonylazaro.com

Reed Waddle - 8.4

Contact: Reedw65@gmail.com
Web: reedwaddlemusic.com


Contact: matt@directartistmanagement.com
Web: malindakathleenreese.com

All Systems Know - 8.4

Contact: allsystemsknow@gmail.com
Web: allsystemsknow.bandcamp.com

Brandon Andre - 8.4

Contact: info@brandonandremusic.com
Web: brandonandremusic.com

Chadwick Johnson - 8.4

Contact: scott@powderfingerpromo.com
Web: chadwickjohnson.com

Qro - 8.4

Contact: qro.theartist@gmail.com
Web: spotify.com

Narimá - 8.3

Contact: narim.kim@gmail.com
Web: narima-atmos.bandcamp.com

Tawny Ellis - 8.2

Contact: tawnycash@gmail.com
Web: tawnyellis.com

Analogue Spirit - 8.2

Contact: analoguespiritmusic@gmail.com
Web: analoguespirit.com

The Unbroken - 8.2

Contact: tamas@theunbroken.band
Web: theunbroken.band

Moodbay - 8.2

Contact: hello@moodbay.com
Web: moodbay.com

Zach Phillips - 8.2

Contact: zach_music@hotmail.com
Web: zachphillips.com

Sprockets - 8.2

Contact: brodieknightsawyer@yahoo.com
Web: sprockets.bandcamp.com

Hotboi Ty - 8.2

Contact: powerseatmusicgroup@gmail.com
Web: spotify.com

Branden & James - 8.2

Contact: brandenjamesmusic@gmail.com
Web: brandenjames.com