Top 25

Music Connection's Top 25 New Music Critiques of 2017

Each year, Music Connection staffers listen to scores of demos and unsigned band releases submitted to us. Of all these submissions, here is the cream of the crop––the 25 highest scorers who are too good to overlook. Each total score you see is based on the merits of production, lyrics, music, vocals and musicianship. MC welcomes all unsigned recording artists to send material to us in 2018 by first checking out “Get Reviewed” at musicconnection.com/reviews/get-reviewed.

The Cover Letter_NMC_March2017THE COVER LETTER – 8.4
Contact: janelle@glgpub.com
Web: thecoverlettermusic.com


The WINTYR_NMC_April2017

Contact: info@thewintyr.com
Web: soundcloud.com/thewintyr


Bonsai Mammals_NMC_April2017BONSAI MAMMAL – 8.3
Contact: bonsaimammal@curvaturemusic.com
Web: bonsaimammal.com


Emily Keener_NMC_Jan2017EMILY KEENER – 8.2
Contact: amanda@lafamos.com
Web: emilykeener.com


Ember Atom_NMC_Jan2017EMBER ATOM – 8.2
Contact: jmg_watson@hotmail.com
Web: emberatom.com


Future Thieves_NMC_March2017FUTURE THIEVES – 8.2
Contact: Taylor@tkoartistmanagement.com
Web: futurethievesmusic.com


Tesh_NMC_May2017TESH – 8.2
Contact: yarmuziq@gmail.com
Web: teshiam.com


Janvi_Anand_NMC_JULY2017JANVI ANAND – 8.2
Contact: janvianandmusic@gmail.com
Web: janvianand.com


NMC_CoreyProCOREY PRO – 8.2
Contact: cmo115@yahoo.com
Web: Coreypr0.com


NMC_MeganDaviesMEGAN DAVIES – 8.2
Contact: KMcMahon@modmgmt.com
Web: megandaviesmusic.com


Hedera_NMCHEDERA -8.2
Contact: hederasojo@gmail.com
Web: hederasojo.bandcamp.com


Culture_Wars_NMCCULTURE WARS – 8.2
Contact: chrissy@rightanglepr.com
Web: culturewars.io