Toddstock Online Auction Ends July 22

Last Call! The Toddstock75 Memorabilia Extravaganza online auction is filled with large and small items related to Toddstock, which was held in beautiful Kauai, Hawaii June 17-24, for all of you who were there in person AND all of you who were there in spirit. They had a number of "buy now" items that are now sold out, but there are still many treasures to be had. The auction ends July 22. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.

Here is the auction link: www.32auctions.com/Toddstock75

Auction ends Saturday, July 22 at 5 pm Central time.This auction supports the Spirit of Harmony's Music Education Advocacy. They will resume our regular twice-yearly auction schedule in October/November.
Spirit of Harmony Merchandise Available Year-RoundIn addition to the auctions per year that we normally offer, raise a flag for all to see your support of music education with the Spirit of Harmony's eclectic selection of fundraising and merchandise items. We have:Something/Anything? Limited Edition PrintZazzle Collections: Custom Imprinted ItemsThe Magistris Project and The Magistris FileHello It's Tea MugsProceeds of all sales go to support the Spirit of Harmony Foundation's music education advocacy.
The Spirit of Harmony is a national nonprofit organization that advocates for music education for children, particularly in public schools. Our mission is to work with individual music programs to assist them in building a sustainable network of local support, based on the measurable data that makes the case for the importance of music education in the neurological, social, academic, economic, and of course artistic, development of youth.
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