30 Seconds to Mars recently wrapped up their North American tour - The Monolith Tour 2018. In Mid-August they will be preforming at their annual Camp Mars weekend and then off for more shows in Europe and South America. Having seen 30STM a dozen times I knew I would not be disappointed with the show at the Forum. Surprisingly, it was a bare bones set up on stage. There were large panels of LED lights that were lowered over the stage and then tilted in various directions. On stage, there were Shannon’s drums, no guitar or bass players which left plenty of room for Jared to move around. 30 Seconds to Mars shows have always included a lot of audience participation andthis show was no different. For the last song of the night, Jared called for anyone to come up on stage. With at least 50 people on stage it felt like a 30 Seconds to Mars revival on stage.-
Text and photos by Cindy Miley