The Workshop Chooses PhantomFocus Technology

Composer, audio engineer and educator Pablo Vega has recently upgraded his personal studio The Workshop by hiring Carl Tatz Design to install the company's flagship PFM UHD-1000 Master Reference Monitor System.

Vega describes the problems that were solved with the installation: “One of the biggest problems with my old setup was that there was not enough care taken to properly set up my desk and monitoring system. The room itself was not ideal, and the low end was limited by the capabilities of my monitors. The PhantomFocus Monitor System was installed with such care and precision that all of those problems went away. The monitors were set up to the specifications of Carl’s design with laser accuracy (lasers were literally used to place them perfectly). With the triangulation of the monitors being so precise, the stereo imaging is flawless. The system allows me to finally hear a true low end in the room, a frequency band that did not exist in my old system. I’m so excited to be mixing with this setup.”

Studio designer and PhantomFocus creator Carl Tatz explains, “Pablo’s acoustically less-than-ideal existing room needed some modifications to make it PhantomFocus-ready before our lead installer Adam arrived. This included door swing reversals, additional corner trapping and some light construction preparation to properly mount the dual PFM ICE Cube subwoofer system. In doing so we were able to guarantee the repeatable performance of the PhantomFocus sweet spot."

Vega continues, "The clarity of sound is unparalleled, and I can finally hear a true low end. But the thing that impresses me the most after the pitch-articulate low-end is the stereo imaging. Not only the accuracy of the spatial positioning from left to right, but the depth of the sound. There are degrees of depth and direction that I had not heard until now. I cannot recommend the Phantom Focus system enough. Carl and Adam are geniuses.” 

For more information, visit carltatzdesign.com.