Member Tools Webinar Series:
This new two-month series will take Members on a tour of The MLC's growing suite of songwriter tools.

You’re an MLC Member, Now What?
Becoming a Member of The MLC is the first step toward collecting your streaming royalties. But what’s next? As a Member, you’ll want to learn how to register your songs and use our Claiming and Matching Tools. Tune in to this webinar for an overview about how these next steps will help you get paid all the royalties you deserve!
February 9, 9 a.m. PT | 11 a.m. CT | 12 p.m. ET - Register Here
Claim Your Songs, Claim Your Cash
Join us for this webinar to learn how to use The MLC’s Claiming Tool to claim your share of songs that are already registered in our online database and make sure you are getting paid all the money you are due.
February 23, 9 a.m. PT | 11 a.m. CT | 12 p.m. ET - Register Here
Have a New Song? Learn How To Register It!
As a Member, it’s important to make sure each one of your songs is registered with The MLC. Remember, if you haven’t registered a song, we can’t pay you for all its streams! Join us for this webinar where we’ll walk you through the steps to register your old and new songs in our online Portal.
March 9, 9 a.m. PT | 11 a.m. CT | 12 p.m. ET - Register Here
How To Match Your Music To Make Money
Members, have you tried out The MLC’s Matching Tool? This tool can help you locate sound recordings that are not yet matched to your songs that are registered in our online Portal. In this webinar, we'll walk you through the simple process to propose matches, checking the final box to collect all your streaming royalties from The MLC.
March 23, 9 a.m. PT | 11 a.m. CT | 12 p.m. ET - Register Here