The California Copyright Conference Webinar Series

The California Copyright Conference is thrilled to announce its upcoming webinar: "A Change is Gonna Come," addressing historical music contract inequalities for the BIPOC* creative communities. The California Copyright Conference is a professional music trade organization for the education of its members in the practical and legal aspects of copyright law, licensing, publishing, and allied music and entertainment industry subjects.

From the beginning of the American music industry, the playing field has never been level for the creative community and this has been disproportionally so for black and other creative communities of color.

This timely and pertinent discussion intends to give focus to those historical music contract inequities and what, if any, remedies have been or are being promulgated by publishers/labels, managers, agents or even the talent themselves to change the status quo.

Join the CCC on Friday, September 25th as they kick off their 2020-2021 season! Please find more details and registration information on theccc.org