The American Music Therapy Association Songwriting Contest

The American Music Therapy Association is seeking songs that share important health-promoting information, while also allowing music therapists to highlight their work and organizations and bring attention to the field of music therapy.

How does it work?

  • Write an original song with lyrics, on a topic that relates to COVID-19.
  • Record a video of yourself performing this song.
  • Include lyrics on your video. Other visuals are optional (but encouraged!).
  • Create a lead sheet for your song and save in Word or Google Docs format.
  • Fill out the form and upload your video and lead sheet at bit.ly/covidsongsubmission
  • Possible topics include but are not limited to things like hand washing, mask wearing, and coping with change. Songs should be family friendly and AMTA may publish your song and lead sheet on our social media!

You may submit your entry when ready but no later than close of business October 15th, 2020. Songs will be reviewed and at a minimum, one grand prize winner will receive a free 2021 membership in AMTA. Evaluations by a select committee of judges will occur after submissions close on October 15, 2020. Judges will be announced in the upcoming weeks.

Questions? Email info@musictherapy.org and use the subject line “Songwriting contest.”