Tech 21 Private Stock

Tech 21 Private Stock - SansAmp Character Series Blonde Deluxe

The Blonde Deluxe SansAmp Character Series features a combination of a warm, all-analog signal path and convenient digital recall. There are 6 program locations and dual inputs for two instruments to be on-line, ready to go. Create three custom tones for each input or use all six locations for a single instrument. And you can program the FX loop to engage your favorite effect each time a so-designated preset is selected. Super simple to operate, changes can easily be made on the fly --without having to refer to the owner’s manual. You just turn the knobs to a setting you like, double click on a footswitch and it’s saved in that channel.

The Blonde Deluxe offers the same pure American tones as its single-channel sibling. Sparkly, spanky cleans that overdrive with a satisfying low-end rumble become the punchy bark of hard-pushed tweed, maxing out in a fat sizzle of lead boosted tone. This Blonde is a wild ride through rock history.

Actual size: 9-7/8"L x 5-1/4"W x 2-1/4"H
MSRP: $415

Tech 21 is the manufacturer of SansAmpTM pre-amps/signal processors, guitar and bass amplifiers, and effects. All products are designed and manufactured in the U.S.A.

URL link: http://tech21nyc.com/products/privatestock/index_MC.html