New Music Critique: Sprockets
Led by singer-guitarist Brodie Knight, this Las Vegas-based foursome have a super-tight, high-impact (if absolutely familiar) pop-punk attack that’s given a modern injection thanks to a profusion of ... -
Album Review: Breathe by Tiny Moving Parts (6/10)
"Tiny Moving Parts' warmed-over compositions, barred of standout moments beyond a few intrepid axe displays, could have been plucked from the mid-'90s." Unity of purpose ... -
New Label Lost Music Collective Celebrates the DIY Pop-Punk Spirit
Introducing Lost Music Collective, a brand new independent label celebrating the DIY pop-punk spirit. Lost Music Collective comes from the minds of Vinnie Fiorello (Less ... -
Signing Story: Thick
Brooklyn-based trio Thick slaps sweet, harmonic vocals and biting lyrics on top of driving, rhythmic, punky guitars, providing some fresh girl power to 2019. The sound, ... -
New Music Critique: Remember The Days
Pop-punk duo Remember the Days have a firm handle on the 4/4 punk-pop style––and they stick to it like gorilla glue. All three songs we checked out are ... -
With Confidence at the Teragram Ballroom in Los Angeles, CA
In the five years that With Confidence have been together, they’ve made it perfectly clear that they’re coming for the top of the pop-punk pyramid. ... -
Mayday Parade at The Regent Theatre in Los Angeles, CA
Mayday Parade paraded at the Regent Theatre in Los Angeles, CA for an anniversary tour that celebrates their album A Lesson in Romantics. Anniversary tours in which ... -
Grayscale Signs with Fearless Records
Fearless Records is thrilled to welcome Philadelphia-based Grayscale to the family. Along with the signing announcement, the 5-piece has released a new song called "Atlantic" and an ... -
Live Review: Headless Honchos at Reggie's Rock Club
Material: While Headless Honchos’ beginnings were in the late ‘90s Chicago punk scene, the band recently reunited after a 16-year hiatus. Their live material draws ... -
NMC Artist: State Line Syndicate
Production: 8 Lyrics: 8 Music: 8 Vocals: 8 Musicianship: 7 SCORE: 7.8 Contact: statelinesyndicate@gmail.com Web: statelinesyndicate.com Seeking: Booking, Radio, Film/TV, Mgmt Style: Pop Punk These ...