Submit to International Songwriter's Day Song Contest

International Songwriters Day (April 9), would like to invite you to our third year of the “International Songwriters Day Song Contest” to once again, help kick off this special day.

The contest is open to writers all around the world, from all levels of experience. This year’s theme is “Inspiration.” We are looking for songs that inspire, think (new beginnings, second chances, starting over), etc. They can be ballads but they should have an element of hope or redemption in the storyline, to fit the theme.

This year we have added an “Indie Music Video” category (open to any artist/band who is not signed to a major label). Theme again is “Inspiration.”

Our judges are : Mike Gormley, LAPD Mgmt. who helped launch the careers of Rod Stewart, BTO, Rush, The Police, Danny Elfman, the Bangles, Bruce Sugar, Producer/engineer (Ringo, Ozzy, Mick Jagger, Elton John), Myles Goodwyn (founding member and lead singer for hard rock band April Wine), Martin Isherwood, Head of Music at Paul McCartney’s Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts (LIPA), David Eaton (producer/engineer for Polyphonic Spree, Dynamite Hack, Archivist for top tier record label), Rick Rose (former staff writer for Sony ATV Nashville & Warner Chappel), and Diana Williamson who has written 2x#3 Billboard Hot Club chart songs, is author of “101 Tips and Tricks of Successful Songwriting, and VP of Themusiclibrary.org.

For more info, click here.