Tonight: Steven Tyler Joins ASCAP's Google+ Hangout


Aerosmith's Steven Tyler will join ASCAP for a Google+ Hangout, presented by ole, on Monday, April 8th at 6:30pm PST/9:30pm EST. The legendary vocalist and songwriter will be interviewed by entertainment journalist Roger Friedman in a live online video chat. Tyler will also answer select questions Tweeted to @ASCAPEXPO, using the hashtag #AskSteven. A lucky EXPO attendee will be selected to participate too!

Tweet all questions for Tyler to @ASCAPEXPO, using the hashtag #AskSteven!

The start date of Aerosmith's Australian tour has unexpectedly moved up, forcing Tyler to cancel his appearance at the ASCAP EXPO. Tyler wanted to make sure that EXPO attendees still had a chance to hear about his creative process and interact with him in a live setting. Tyler commented: "Due to the lack of time travel, and the shuttle being mothballed, I can't make it in time to be with you at the EXPO. I will however, be online live, taking your questions, in the first naked chat room on Google+ Hangout. Be there or be square, I don't want to hear you don't have anything to wear."