Signing Story with Mammoth Black Metal troupe Cloak

Date Signed: April 2024

Label: Metal Blade Records

Type of Music: Black metal

Management: Mark A. Vieira - Parts Unknown Artist Management

Booking: Liam Frith - TKO Booking

Publicity: Liz Ciavarella-Brenner, pr@earsplitcompound.com

Web: linktr.ee/cloakofficial

A&R: Ryan Williams - Metal Blade Records

The paramount purpose of musical artists of any genre going on tour is self-evident: to gain more exposure and, in turn, develop a bigger following. For bands trying to create buzz, the proposition can be even more tenuous: Most of the money they make through concert tickets and merch sales often goes directly to practical expenses like gas for their van, food and drink, and maybe lodging at hotels (although even that can be a luxury). That’s not to mention how musicians usually have to spend days practically hitched to the other members of their band, who not only fart and snore but might not even count as close friends.

For all those reasons and more, Cloak—Atlanta’s most tireless metal ensemble, formed more than a decade ago—received an unexpected reward after admirably touring for years and years. Like a kid snapping up the gold ring while riding a spinning carousel, Cloak notched a record deal while pounding the pavement in support of their most recent record. The band is currently rounded out by Max Brigham (guitars) and Billy Robinson (bass), with a new drummer yet to be named.

"After meeting the Metal Blade crew on our recent U.S. tour, we knew it was the right move creatively as the respect would go both ways,” vocalist/guitarist Scott Taysom said.

Cloak’s new deal with Metal Blade also stands out because it transpired while they were touring behind Black Flame Eternal (their third full-length and best effort to date). On top of that, it was another record label, Season of Mist, that released the long-awaited effort in May 2023.

Taysom continued colorfully: ”We're in the very early stages of working on new material in between touring, and who knows where the dark and winding path will lead us this time. All we know is that we have some real hard work ahead of us, as releasing new music on the same label that put out titans like [the 1985 classic Slayer album] Hell Awaits is not something we take lightly.”