Signing Story: Baby Chaos

Date Signed: March 31, 2022

Label: Cleopatra Records

Type of Music: Pop Industrial Metal

Management: Jeremy Saffer - jeremysaffer.com

Booking: N/A

Legal: N/A

Publicity: Maria Ferrero - maria@adrenalinepr.com

Web: itsbabychaos.com

A&R: Kyle Perera - Cleopatra Records

Lyzzie Larosa self-released her first song when she was about to turn 20. Even though she had nothing by way of a music industry support system, she figured she’d make a go of it on her own. Larosa started doing everything herself, from songwriting and vocal engineering to photo taking and graphic design. She even dabbled in self-production. 

By the time she released her second song, she was starting to feel burned out. “It was getting really hard,” admits the witchy artist from Salem, MA, whose music traffics in dark genres, particularly industrial, and gives them a clubby twist. 

A friend who was in a similar situation half-jokingly Tweeted he no longer wanted to be responsible for every aspect of his career. Larosa, professionally known as babychaos, impulsively re-Tweeted the sentiment, adding that having official help would be amazing.

Almost immediately, she received a DM from Cleopatra Records, the L.A.-based indie responsible for an endless array of artists whose work leans sinister. The label insists they’d been keeping tabs on her, yet they hadn’t reached out because they assumed a label and full-on team were already in her corner. The next day, she jumped on a FaceTime with Kyle Perera, Cleopatra’s A&R person.

Larosa started to investigate. “I knew of artists who had been on Cleopatra,” she explains. “I’m a fan of bands like Dead or Alive. And it began to click. I looked at Cleopatra’s roster and my jaw dropped.”

An offer was soon on the table. She took a hot minute to mull over the proposition, especially considering she had no idea how the industry worked. “I didn’t even know what the heck PR meant,” she admits. Without any other industry contacts, she solicited opinions from her friends and mother. Their positive affirmations led to her saying yes. She signed without so much as having an attorney glance at the deal. 

“They’re taking a chance on me, someone who is such a noob,” she says. “I feel blessed for them taking me on.” Artists should search their souls before committing to a label, insists the model with 90,000 Instagram followers. As she puts it, “Shoot for longevity, as opposed to intensity.”