Signing Story: Automatik Eden

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Record an EP and send physical copies to record labels? That sounds like an exceptionally ‘90s approach to getting a record deal. But don’t write off the old-school tactic. It’s an approach that paid off for Los Angeles-based band Automatik Eden after they found a mentor with a feel for the business.

“Our friend Christopher Jelley is kind of the artistic director of our band,” guitarist David Crocco says. “He’s this sort of English gentleman from Surrey who grew up when it was all happening: David Bowie, Marc Bolan. Many of our musical interests align. Over the past few years he’s taken us under his wing and encouraged us not to lose faith.”

“He advises us on our look,” vocalist Cela Scott adds. “Fashion is something that’s important to us. He also directed our music video for ‘Gold to Straw.’ He wanted us to put an EP together with the intention of sending it to record labels to try to get some interest. It seemed impossible that anything would come of it. Who opens envelopes anymore?”

“It seemed impossible. Who opens envelopes anymore?”

“Because of the faith and time that he put in, we agreed to do it,” Crocco explains. “We mailed about a hundred copies of our EP and within a week or so the owner and president of Spectra Music Group [Bobby Collins] got back to us and said that he was interested. Being able to talk to the owner, who was so open, it became a no-brainer. They’re a fantastic label with fantastic artists. It’s just one of those things. The timing was right and the label head is into the type of music that we do.”

Automatik Eden’s EP Gold to Straw was reviewed recently in Music Connection and earned a 7/10 rating. Currently the band is working on a full-length album, which they aim to release early next year. A single is expected sometime around December. The band has also recorded “Captain of My Soul,” the theme song for “Star Trek: Renegades,” an upcoming Star Trek pilot episode in which Scott also appears.

– Rob Putnam