Signing: Leopold & His Fiction

Leopold and his Fiction, Daniel James (credit, Elaine Huang) Screen shot 2014-07-21 at 9.23.07 AM

Only after moving from California to Texas did Detroit native Daniel James really discover himself as a musician. This transition also led to Leopold and his Fiction’s deal with the independent management company, Ramseur. The partnership came together rather naturally––the progressive rockers simply let the music speak.

“We toured so much and were able to play for everyone [in the company] who wanted to see us,” James explains. “They saw a lot of promise in what we were doing, so we decided to move forward together.”

Things quickly evolved into a business relationship based on nurturing trust and understanding. Leopold maintain total creative control, while Ramseur provides hands-on support.

“Everything we do is very family-oriented––it’s all very personal,” James says. “We expend every ounce of energy, so we need someone who’s going to care for us the way we care for ourselves.”

"Focus on the craft more than anything else."

The guys needed an unconventional, go-with-the-flow sort of management. After 10 years and three studio albums, Leopold remain undefined as a band––and Ramseur is unconditionally cool with that. The fourth record is already complete, and James now contemplates the potential benefits of a self-release (or perhaps even through Ramseur, which also operates as an independent record label). But he’s positive the team will encourage whichever decision prevails.

“It’s still a pretty fresh collaboration––a work in progress that’s constantly evolving,” he says. “Ramseur wants to nurture artists’ talent, [let them] be creative and take their own direction. Leopold and His Fiction is not in the market of manufacturing hits so-to-say, but that’s not Ramseur’s top priority. That’s why the partnership works so well––we do what we do and they facilitate it.”

The future looks promising, thanks to the “rebirth” of Leopold through Ramseur––and persistent determination: “Focus on the craft more than anything else,” he concludes. “I internalized it all and made the best product that I could. That’s when things started happening. You definitely need to push to get to the goal, dive in all the way [and] give it everything you got.” – Danica Bellini