StoryAmp offering writing services for artists

Publicity Platform StoryAmp Adds New Writing Service for Artists

The music publicity platform StoryAmp continues to help artists access media coverage with a new service: writing. The company has tapped a pool of veteran critics available to pen compelling biographies and press releases. These writers have collectively authored pieces for Billboard, NPR, The Wall Street Journal, Google Music, VICE, Thrasher and many more.

The platform already helps thousands of artists, labels and publicity firms speed up many of the tedious tasks associated with PR. In less than an hour, users can add a 20-day tour and StoryAmp will take care of emailing relevant journalists in each tour market three separate times. Journalists can stream or download music with one click from the emails they receive. Also with one click, the 9,000 journalists in StoryAmp can request an interview, concert tickets or a physical CD. StoryAmp hosts all the assets a journalist needs to write a concert preview, review, calendar listing or album review.

“Having done music publicity myself for two decades, I built the company to give artists everything they need to run their own publicity campaign,” says StoryAmp founder and CEO Dmitri Vietze. “But after seeing the quality of biographies and press releases artists have added to the system, I knew we could help even more. And why not tap the very writers who are receiving these pitches?”

To get help with writing, artists or labels simply go to StoryAmp.com, select whether they want help with a biography or press release, and provide a link to their music and information about how they plan to use the piece. The StoryAmp team then matches the artist with a writer for an in-depth interview. StoryAmp reviews the draft to ensure quality and then provides the artist with a chance to provide their feedback as well. Finally, the writer integrates the changes and provides the artist or label with their final biography and press release which they can add to their website, include in their press kits, and add to their StoryAmp profile. The cost for each written piece is $300.

“We wanted to take away the hassle of tracking down a legitimate writer and helping to ensure that an artist will end up with a high-quality written piece for their career,” explains Vietze. “Most artists know how hard it is to write about themselves. Now they have an easy way to tap a professional pool of writers who know more about what appeals to journalists more than anyone else.”

For more information, visit storyamp.com.