PhantomFocus During Summer NAMM 2021

Experience the PFM UHD-1000 Master Reference Monitor System at The Blue Grotto during NAMM 2021 in Nashville, TN 7/15/21 & 7/16/21

Contact Carl Tatz Design for scheduling at: info@carltatzdesign.com or call (615) 400-5479

Pictured: L-R Beatles engineer Ken Scott, Studio Designer Carl Tatz, Educator Bobby Owsinski at The Blue Grotto

Pictured: PFM UHD-1000 Master Reference Monitor 

This is a perfect opportunity while at NAMM in Nashville to experience what these audio professionals are raving about: Testimonials at PhantomFocus.com

For more information about Carl Tatz Design LLC and the PhantomFocus, please contact Carl Tatz Design LLC, 6666 Brookmont Terrace, Suite #1109, Nashville, TN 37205 | Office: 615.354.6242, Direct: 615.400.5479 

Email: carl@carltatzdesign.com  

Web: www.carltatzdesign.com