Perform & Network at BET AWARDS Weekend Industry Parties & Showcases!
Celebrating a great year of Music & New Releases, the weekend of Thurs June 23 – Sun June 26 with vibrant Music Showcases at Industry Parties.
During the Music Industry’s biggest weekend of honoring the greats is a special time to Spotlight the deserving Artists on the Rise! Seeking Vocalists, Duos, Pop, Hip Hop, Soul/R&B, Rock Pop & Country, Solo Artists, Singer Songwriters & Producers seeking exposure for their work. Industry guests, including A&R, Label Heads, Publishers, Movie/TV Music Supervisors, Talent Scouts, Concert/Festival Promoters, are among those invitees. Talent seeking to Perform should email Soundcloud &/or You Tube links, Bio & Photo to : or call 818-505-1836.
Industry Execs & Media involved in seeking talent to cover wishing to attend these Industry Events should email their company/position info to : Photographers, Blogs, Podcasts, Interview Journalists are welcome. Not affiliated with Viacom.
Come Out & Celebrate URBAN MUSIC’s BIG WEEKEND in the Entertainment Capital of the World as many Companies are Hungry for New Talent & Opportunities!