Norton Records Fights to Recover from Sandy

Norton Records is fighting to recover from super storm Sandy. Their warehouse was submerged, causing damage to Norton’s books, inventory and archive.  Founders Miriam Linna and Billy Miller have been working to save as much as possible, aided by a huge cast of volunteers. Their fans and friends have already organized benefits all over the world, including Spain, Germany, New York, Dallas, Seattle, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, St. Paul, Austin, Montreal, Melbourne, Tokyo and Warsaw. If interested in helping Norton, check out these two upcoming events. On Dec. 15 from 11:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. volunteers are needed at the Prospect Heights office where lunch will be included. Please e-mail Norton Records at nortonrec@aol.com with VOLUNTEER in the subject line or call (718) 789-4438. There will also be a New York Norton Records Benefit Show on Jan. 11 at The Bell House in Brooklyn. The event will feature Reigning Sound, Swingin’ Neckbreakers and Daddy Long Legs with DJs Billy and Miriam of Norton Records. For more information, please visit www.nortonrecords.com.