Michigan-based Sanjin Alisa is a composer with a certain amount of craft and a musician with superior skills. Though we are not so captivated by his acoustic guitar on the mournful, funereal “Deceiving,” his fluent workouts on the electric guitar are absolutely dazzling. That’s true on “The End” which begins softly and delicately before unleashing a load of metalesque muscle that dominates the recording. As well, “Glow” shows Sanjin to be a deft composer who can ramp up the energy from zero to 60 and throttle his electric guitar neck with vigor and accuracy. We urge this composer-musician to aim his efforts toward music libraries that can hook him up with film/TV placements.
Contact: alisasanjin@yahoo.com
Web: youtube.com/sanjingitarista
Seeking: Everything
Style: Instrumental Jazz/Rock/Progressive