Kevin Rogers spearheads December Fades with a tortured, poetic, lovestruck persona that shows promise. The singer/ guitarist/keyboardist invests his love songs with a haunted vibe to his vocals and a neo-classical lean to his piano. Even when he’s falling for someone (“Is It Love”) the artist presents a doubtful, downcast vibe. A problem we had: verse lyrics are indistinct/ muddled and should be easier to decipher. Also, the track’s low-end is barely present. “Crash and Burn” (especially its too facile chorus) is a misfire. But “Diamonds and Rain,” featuring just Rogers’ voice and acoustic guitar, is his best. We can imagine this soft, gentle paean to romantic ecstasy in a film or TV sequence.
Seeking: Film/TV, Booking, Mgmt
Style: Pop-Rock, Alternative