NMC Artist: Steve Kaynan

Steve Kaynan_NMC_Sept2015small

Production: 7
Lyrics: 7
Music: 7
Vocals: 7
Musicianship: 9
SCORE: 7.4

Contact: bwsteve@yahoo.com
Web: reverbnation.com/stevekaynan
Seeking: Booking, Film/TV
Style: Hard Rock, Instrumental, Blues Rock

Kaynan can probably play rings around most mortal guitarists, such is the quality of his lightning-fast fretwork. On the instrumental “Isla Nublar,” his multiple guitar solos are indeed praise-worthy. Additionally, on the metal-sludge “Time” he shows that his singing voice can do a decent approximation of Ozzy. Here’s the problem: though the band is tight, it has been fashioned for one thing––to provide a platform for Kaynan’s fireworks, a shower of notes that makes the basic tracks––and his bandmates––seem plodding and unimaginative. We’d really like to see Kaynan’s abilities complemented––maybe even challenged––by his band. How about a drummer who fires off some triggers? That might make these recordings come to life.

Steve Kaynan - "Isla Nublar"