NMC Artist: Magnets & Ghosts

Magnets & Ghosts_NMC_Sept2015small

Production: 8
Lyrics: 8
Music: 9
Vocals: 8
Musicianship: 8
SCORE: 8.2

Contact: vferrer@infocusmusic.com
Web: magnetsandghosts.com
Seeking: Film/TV, Radio, Label, Booking
Style: Alternative/ Indie Rock

The galloping pace, dissonant industrial undertones and shouted vocals of “Drug Money” (a decent, if unremarkable indie rocker) did not prepare us for the aching, yearning, wistful “Off My Mind,” which is cut from a whole different cloth, seducing us all the way as it works deftly to its payoff. And “Here to Save Me” drew us in even further by bringing epic piano chords and string to the party, finally knocking us out with its “OH-OH-OH” vocal chorus in the rousing finale. Both songs have strong film and television potential, thanks to rich, evocative sonics, particularly the expansive reverb. Forget about clubs, these guys have a commercial, arena-sized vision for their music and performance.

Magnets & Ghosts - "Off My Mind"