NMC Artist: Larry Roszkowiak


Production: 5
Lyrics: 8
Music: 7
Vocals: 6
Musicianship: 7
SCORE: 6.6

Contact: lroszkowiak@yahoo.com
Web: reverbnation.com/larryroszkowiak
Seeking: Label, Booking
Style: Country, Folk, Americana

This artist’s no-fuss, just-an-acoustic guitar-and-a-voice presentation on “Nobody Does It...” and “The Journey” both seem to be recorded live in a coffeehouse. His exceptionally soft, almost tentative touch on the strings and a humorous, off-key attitude at the mic add up to a performer who’s got much more character than commercial prospects. Though he marshals a full band to accompany him on “The Mule,” it’s too poorly recorded and mixed to be an improvement. Though label interest is a longshot for Roszkowiak, there are some listeners who might have an appreciation for his grizzled, off-hand, unaffected, who-gives-a-sh@! spirit and his obvious knack for clever observations about life and love.

Larry Roszkowiak's "The Journey"