Production: 8
Lyrics: 8
Music: 8
Vocals: 8
Musicianship: 7
SCORE: 7.8
Seeking: Label, Film/TV, Distribution
Style: Hip-Hop/Rap
African artist i2Pablo has a not unexpected accent to his vocals and a world music essence to his songs, but he’s nevertheless accessible to western listeners. Okay, maybe not “Full of Hype,” (feat. Charmbuck), which bewildered our American ears while still being pretty catchy. On the downside, the track gets too repetitive after the 3-minute mark. The next two tunes we heard, “Many Sisi” and “I Like It,” are all-out winners; the former’s tribal beat, accented vocal and playful spirit reminds us of Sean Paul, while the latter song generates a happy, carefree jubilation that would enliven an animated film sequence. It’s both worldly and commercial, and the track’s effects, including autotune, enhance its overall production.
i2Pablo - "Full of Hype"