Production: 8
Lyrics: 7
Music: 7
Vocals: 8
Musicianship: 8
SCORE: 7.6
Seeking: Label, Booking, Film/TV
Style: "Moody Pop"
Blessed with a strong, natural singing voice, Annie Dingwall still loves her some filter effects and she employs them liberally, and quite artfully, on her sonically dense, structurally challenging material, which is less about commercial radio appeal than unfettered artistic statement. “Hollow,” “Fall Back” and the haunting piano ballad “Love Me” each have a passion that is powerful, and the artist is adept at varying her energy levels and sonic effects to keep the listener intrigued. In the end, the songs tend to meander and will take more than a listen or two to fully grasp their dynamic structure and inherent strengths (powerful voice!), but in mood alone there are evocative passages that are ripe for film/TV consideration.
Dingwall - "Hollow"