Production: 8
Lyrics: 7
Music: 7
Vocals: 7
Musicianship: 8
SCORE: 7.4
Seeking: Label, Booking, Pblshg, Mgmt, Film/TV
Style: R&B
Devon Howard works hard to be a smooth crooner, and he mostly succeeds on these originals, which have a vaguely ‘90s vibe. This artist loves love, and his song titles make it clear. “Could This Be Love” is upbeat and sexy at the same time, with nice backup blends and a natural musicality that we admire, including handclaps that generate a fun, supportive message. “Deeper Than Love” could make an ideal wedding song as the singer conveys how difficult it is to fully express the scope of his love. “Back to Paradise” has a decent hook, but like his other songs, it is saddled with superficial, cookie-cutter lyrics. We urge this artist to get with a lyricist who can bring a certain amount of substance to match the singer’s passion.
Devon Howard - "Back to Paradise"