Production: 8
Lyrics: 8
Music: 8
Vocals: 8
Musicianship: 7
SCORE: 7.8
Seeking: Publishing, Film/TV, Distr.
Style: Hip-Hop, Soul, Chiptune
We’re impressed by this artist’s consistent sound and vision, how he deploys a specific sonic palette of antique synth tones in creative ways. Though he is not a singer—his voice is lacking technically—he uses it to humorous effect, like artists before him, and sometimes comes off like a descendent of Sir Mix-A-Lot and others. “Whatever It Takes” and “Two Players” are standouts. The former’s fluid verses flow along with a gaggle of classic synth sounds (right down to its chanted, inspirational chorus) while the latter’s eerily playful, vintage-video game tones are cleverly utilized and conjure a dungeon level/Halloween vibe. Chris Quality’s old-school essences and spacey, ambient sonics set him apart from the chiptune pack.
Chris Quality feat. Alexis Renee' - "Whatever It Takes"