NMC Artist: Ben Hanna

Ben Hanna_NMC_June2015

Production: 8
Lyrics: 8
Music: 8
Vocals: 8
Musicianship: 7
SCORE: 7.8

Contact: ben@benhannamusic.com
Web: benhannamusic.com
Seeking: Label, Booking, Distr., Film/TV
Style: Modern Folk, Americana

Can Hanna sing? Not exactly. He goes a step better––he communicates in a unique persona that demands your attention. Lazy, sarcastic, and on his third cocktail perhaps, Hanna and his looser-than-an-old-shirt band exude a quality lacking in most acts––authentic feel. “I Wish We Were Beginning It” is a relationship-gone-wrong song that is both laugh-out-loud funny and bittersweet (“happiest memories are now the saddest”) and escalates into a barroom singalong. Hanna’s wry, laconic observations continue with the high-energy frolic, “High Society Scene,” and college stoner anthem “We Were All Like Whatever” which reminds us of comic/musician Bo Burnham. Keep doing what you’re doing, guys. Your audience will find you.