New Toys: Solid State Logic Connex Advanced USB Microphone

Connex is a USB microphone/interface with four microphones aimed outward for recording people talking or performing surrounding it.

The default White mode uses the front facing mic only for person(s) speaking directly into it for a podcast or conference calls. The four microphones' outputs are automatically mixed, equalized, compressed and uniquely optimized for each of the other four modes possible. 

The Green Group mode has all four mics mixed to a dual-mono output for people sitting around a conference table—it's optimized for speech. The Magenta mode changes the audio processing to accommodate quieter voices with all four mics working together to derive a stereo audio image around the front of the mic. The Blue mode is like Magenta, except the DSP changes to accommodate louder musical sound sources. Use this mode to record singing and playing musical instruments.

Lastly, there is an Immersive mode where all four microphones outputs are available as separate, discrete mono signals. Mounted on a mic stand in the center of a space, Connex becomes a four-channel immersive microphone.

 Using Connex in a Pro Tools session as the playback engine, it worked great as an additional source for immersive productions (ATMOS, Sony 360 etc.) Connex will run at up to 96kHz and the mini-stereo headphone output jack has a good, loud output.

The SSL Connex Advanced USB Microphone comes with all necessary cables and a quick start manual, and sells for $149.99 MSRP.
