Mary Bee has a trained voice that conveys innocence and romantic love in a way that’s genuine and believable. Her “On A Sunday” is a good example of that, combining elements of Madonna and classic Phil Spector pop-craft. Set to piano and synth-strings, the homespun ballad “Blueprint” is a wistful, endearing look back at a family home and the joys and struggles it nurtured. The latter tune is a showcase for Bee’s lower range and “head voice.” It’s a bit long, though, and could be trimmed. While the previous two songs possess a musical theatre dimension, “I’ll Never Let You Go” gets a big, uplifting pop sound from an epic backbeat which, with lyric tweaks, could be a good fit for a Disney “princess” flick.
Seeking: Label, Booking, Mgmt
Style: Organic Pop
Mary Bee - "On A Sunday"