madeline smith new music critiques

New Music Critiques: Madeline Smith


With memorable hooks, relatable lyrics and a voice that packs a punch, 20-year-old singer/keyboardist/guitarist Madeline Smith shows very good chops for someone her age. “Stay” has a familiar theme of pain and hurt stemming from a busted relationship. Nothing new there, but it is expertly arranged and performed nevertheless. It’s on “State of Mind” and “Catchin’ Fireflies” that the artist truly excels. The sassy “State” rocks out (a la Carrie Under- wood) on a sing-along tune that celebrates the country community, while “Fireflies” drives home its carefree chorus with a message about life’s simple pleasures. Already a strong singer, we’d love to see Smith push her voice even higher.

Contact: pennielee@att.net
Web: madelinesmithofficial.com
Seeking: Booking
Style: Country, Pop, Bluegrass

Madeline Smith - "Stay"

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