kylie odetta new music critiques

New Music Critiques: Kylie Odetta


Combining moody material with her 
aching voice, piano-based Kylie Odetta is by turns familiar and distinctive, evoking comparisons to Norah Jones, Rachael Yamagata and perhaps Lana Del Rey for the haunting drama that oozes from her tracks.

Unfortunately each song on this talented artist’s new EP is smothered in effects that overwhelm her vocals. The seductive “High Dreamer” would be much better without 
all that sonic sauce. (There’s a really good song in there somewhere!) Same goes for the bluesy “Can’t Erase It” and the gloomy “When It Rains.” The insistently ponderous production, instead of augmenting the songs, actually detracts. Still, the music’s aura of mystery has film/TV prospects.

Contact: Lori@kylieodetta.com
Web: kylieodetta.com
Seeking: Booking Partner, Film/TV, P’lishing
Style: Indie/Pop, Singer/Songwriter

Kylie Odetta - "High Dreamer"

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