Singer/songwriter John M is a thoughtful lyricist and a skilled producer who’s got a country-blues-rock sound powered by an amplified acoustic guitar that really zings. “Home Invasion” shows the artist proclaim- ing the guitar as his weapon of choice. Laced with a front-porch fiddle, “Words” is an earnest, heartfelt homily (“words mean something!”) whose Jesus-themed lyrics are direct to a fault. As straightforwardly sincere as he is, M has a singing voice that proves not to be as strong an instrument as it could be. Too often he sounds like he’s straining. Fortunately, his songs sometimes possess a nice sing-along quality, as in “O.Y.O”, where the audience could readily join him for the rousing choruses.
Seeking: Booking
Style: Americana
John M - "My Mother In Me"
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