Higuera new music critiques

New Music Critiques: Higuera


The mic loves Higuera's singer Valley Taylor’s voice, its naturally deep, husky tone. And despite three, sometimes four guitars, the sound mix ably emphasizes that voice, allowing the lyrics to connect with listeners, many
 of whom will likely be female, considering the band’s sound. We like how Taylor down-twists his voice in the catchy “Pieces”; we just wish the song’s finale delivered more of a climactic gust.

A TV drama could make use of “Adrenaline,” about how it feels “when you call my name.” Equally cinematic is the wistful, lovelorn “Days Go By,” which achieves a nice nimbus of guitars. As solid as these recordings are, we feel there are missed opportunities to inject more sonic impact.

Contact: thrdvsn@gmail.com
Web: facebook.com/higueraband
Seeking: Booking, Film/TV
Style: Alternative, Indie, Rock

Higuera - "Days Go By"

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