new music critiques cherry water

New Music Critiques: Cherry Water


North Carolina-based Cass Stroehmer spearheads Cherry Water, which sounds more compelling lyrically than musically. Of the three songs we focused on (personal meditations on the pent-up fear, frustration and anger that results from a broken love relationship) the one that shows the most promise is “Aratin”; the song, with its bleak, haunted imagery, achieves a decent edge and some alluring vocal harmonies. We’d like to hear more of this from her. As it is, though, we sense a fundamental disconnect between this artist’s vulnerable, girlish voice and her snarling, garage-riff songs. They simply do not gel together into something that is satisfying and convincing. We suggest she rethink her direction and purpose.

Contact: cass@cherrywater.rocks
Web: cherrywater.rocks
Seeking: Booking, Publicity
Style: Alternative Rock

Cherry Water - "False Caterpillars"

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