Beautiful Machines new music critiques

New Music Critiques: Beautiful Machines


S.F.’s Beautiful Machines generate a dense arena-sized electro-rock sound that aims
 to be a total immersive experience, a darkly modern lasers & leather vibe with Conrad Schuman’s moody mutterings lending the right attitude. “Million Miles” is a driving synth-rocker with a stabbing bassline, a keening guitar and a dreamy breakdown that sets up the final boom perfectly––well, almost. We suggest shortening the song and upping the energy when the finale kicks in. “Real Love” shows the band’s ability to create a shimmering sci-fi aura, but we feel the song’s synth-drum-punch effect is over-used and gets tired. Conversely, we would welcome more female backup vocals, which prove quite effective on “Sunrise Song.”

Contact: Amanda@LaFamos.com
Web: BeautifulMachinesMusic.com
Seeking: Booking, Film/TV, Mgmt, Radio
Style: Indie/Electronic

Beautiful Machines - "Real Love"

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