Seeking: Label, Booking, Film/TV
Style: Alternative Metal, Hard Rock
Zero Theorem attacks with relentless, expertly crafted songs spearheaded by a singer who can really bring it, including a paint-peelin’ scream. The “Threat” remix turns their radio metal into a bit of a throwback synth-wave + nu-metal vibe, which is pretty clever. Cleverness continues with the bee swarm that opens “Swarm.” The singer has hurricane-force pipes and handles his vocals well... so why not put him more front and center in the mix and just go full radio rock? “Joke” is the most “metal” song, but may not be as accessible. Overall, our metal headz agree that tweens would eat this up. Zero Theorem are not only a good fit for Ozzfest, but with their sci-fi aesthetic could add to a videogame or film/TV soundtrack.