New Music Critique: Vivid Substanz


Fancifully titled, instrumental excursions by artist Vivid Substanz are, by turns, moody, meditative and cinematic. “423 Days at Circe Dome” conjures an air of mystery and intrigue, deploying what sounds like guitar, harp and a bed of synth sounds to achieve a dramatic pull on the listener’s ear. The sound of a running brook, cool clear water, combines with gentle synth surges for a soothing and relaxing effect on “Kerepakupai...” While those two themes are mildy pleasing, we find that Vivid Substanz is really onto something with “Concentration of Toruks,” easily the composer’s best outing, thanks to its giant shimmer of synthesizers and the wonderful “flute” parts that convey the pleasure of flight and floating.

Contact: juancarceg@hotmail.com
Web: spotify.com
Seeking: Label, Film/TV
Style: Ambient