Jackie Popvec fronts The Vindys with a voice that exudes confidence and sex appeal. Material will have to improve, however, for this act to lure today’s audience as the group’s pop/rock material (such as “Too Long”) sounds a day past its sell-by date, giving off an early 00’s vibe. “Wrong with Me” shows off Popvec’s range and expressiveness and the band’s lead guitar dazzlement. We hear something pretty promising in the jaunty, jazzed-up R&B tune “Red Wine.” Reminiscent of Amy Wine- house, the song allows Popovec to exude slinky sex appeal amid a sassy arrangement that features a full-on horn section. Seems this Ohio band is truly in its element on this vibrant slice of vintage pop theatre.
Contact: info@thevindys.com
Web: thevindys.com
Seeking: Label, Booking, Film/T, Distrib.
Style: Pop/Rock